“I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO,” SHE SAYS TO ME. “I DO. IT’S JUST HARD.” She’s laid out some pretty significant goals. Find a new job Finish her yoga certification training (200 hour course) Lose [...]
I am not the only one asking this right now. In fact, I suspect I’m in the majority. Racism is not an easy subject. There are all kinds of reasons to think this, that I can’t make a difference. [...]
Please enjoy this guest blog is written by Tracey Pakstis, honorary Dirty Girl and fantastic friend, who has wisdom to share. Earlier this winter, the first real snowstorm of the season was [...]
12 gallons distilled water 2 boxes of Bagel Bites (family size) 1 box of taquitos 1 Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino That’s the “apocalypse” grocery list my 18 year old went to Target with this [...]
I stumbled into a piece of art that broke me down. Centering around the characters Shinji Ikari, Asuka Langley, and Rei Ayanami, Evangelion explores the themes of childhood trauma and existentialism.
I always thought that as old ladies, we’d have two tiny lakeside cottages right next to each other, and would meet every morning in the garden with our big goofy dogs, drink coffee and continue [...]
The scene is out of a movie. A Tupperware lid, chewed up, a bottle of hand lotion, open and dripping, a box of tissue, shredded and a scattering of cough drops litter my office rug. At the center [...]
Music is the strongest form of magic – Marilyn MansonM On a recent trip for work, I pulled out my old iPod, put in my headphones, and ended up somewhere else entirely. My flight was heading [...]
This article first appeared in Elephant Journal on August 20, 2019. I walk through my kitchen, I glance up at the same spot on the brick chimney. I know what I’m looking for. I know it’s [...]
Straighten up Why can’t you straighten up? I’ve heard you tell me this So many times It doesn’t even stick I am staring down at my feet. There is a dusky white scuffing across [...]