How do you answer that question? How often does that answer change? If we shake hands at the office, I get to know you under a professional pretense. But if we meet at a neighborhood barbecue in [...]
Flirting is a power tactic. Whether at work or at play, the art of flirtation is about persuasion and control. And fun. I am not asserting that flirting is positive or negative in any [...]
Get over yourself. Get over your fears. Get over those hurt, misunderstood feelings. Get over those hurdles. Because once you get over, you can get on, right? Get on with your goals, get on with [...]
“You make a good point. And this idea makes sense. Let’s talk about how we move this forward.” My idea just received executive approval. I was sitting around a small formica [...]
It’s my dirty little secret. My children are mortified. My friends roll their eyes and shrug. Yes, I play Candy Crush. There are a wealth of lessons to be learned in this seemingly simple, [...]
I like surprises. Once or twice a year, I pull my kids out of school for a “surprise day”… instead of sitting in the classroom going through another set of math drills and literary [...]
Who put that in my way? Did I? I sat at my desk a few weeks ago, waiting for a coworker. We’ll call him Kevin. Kevin and I have a standard weekly meeting, which we normally conduct by phone [...]
I just finished reading The Manchurian Tales by Nick Hahn. Let’s get a couple of things out of the way right now: Yes, that’s my dad. And no, this isn’t a book review. My father’s own journey [...]
I hate it when I dream about work. And I’ve been dreaming about work a lot lately. Usually, in dream-world I enjoy the free floating randomness of my mind. Nothing is logical when I replay it [...]
We take it. We lose it. We keep it. We seek it. We grab it. Control. No matter what path we’re on – our career path, our personal path, a juncture where the two careen together – we are usually [...]