Dear Shirley, The mountains are beautiful. I could not have picked a prettier day to come to Denver to see you. The sky is clear and blue and bright, the air is chilly and the mountains that you [...]
“It looks like Shrek.” He says this with the snarky, disapproving expression common to the teenage male. And then he adds the final judgement: he shrugs, “Whatever.” I am [...]
Men are wired to connect through sex. And then they are able to delve into emotional intimacy. Women are wired to connect through emotional and mental interactions. And then open themselves up to [...]
Safe. Maybe it’s not a word that comes to mind immediately when you think of what you want in your intimate relationships. Maybe you just assume it’s already there. Maybe it seems [...]
From Alison Armstrong, an educator and advocate of communication between men and women. This is a great read – designed for men but powerful and helpful for women too. This may be the [...]
There is a war between women and men. It is evident in the words we choose when we speak to each other. It is clear in the positioning of our bodies. It is obvious in the raise of the eyebrows, [...]
My favorite go-to ‘chick flick’ is The American President. When I am working on a project and need background noise, I will turn it on. I know the lines, I laugh in the same places [...]
Here is the next installment of our series of blogs about Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina to discuss how these women leaders show up, achieve success, and deliver their message as they vie for [...]
There is a place in our reasearch, our reading and our observations where things begin to overlap, to repeat themselves. It is like that busy intersection that you drive through each day to [...]
As my DGC partner, Shirley Ramos, wrote in her recent blog, CLINTON OR FIORINA: IT WAS A COIN TOSS, the flip of a quarter by my youngest son resulted in my covering Carly Fiorina and Shirley [...]