My favorite go-to ‘chick flick’ is The American President. When I am working on a project and need background noise, I will turn it on. I know the lines, I laugh in the same places [...]
There is a place in our reasearch, our reading and our observations where things begin to overlap, to repeat themselves. It is like that busy intersection that you drive through each day to [...]
I really wanted to do ‘rock-paper-scissors’ but my Dirty Girls Consulting partner Natalie said “let’s flip a coin”. Having decided to write profiles on these strong [...]
It was a beautiful day at the dog park, with an amazing view of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. I usually multi-purpose this time with my collie to plan, work out life’s issues and think through [...]
The news was on as background noise as I was getting ready to start work this morning. I couldn’t help but pay attention when the anchor talked about the benefits of giving your spouse a [...]
There is an opportunity on the horizon that I am seriously considering. This part of my journey sparked several years ago as I attended an informational meeting for mission work in South [...]
“Our souls crave intimacy“—Erwin Raphael McManus. I believe that is true. We are a relational species and the majority of our activities can be traced back to [...]
Recently, while pumping gas at a Tampa mini-mart, I handed my business credit card to the attendant. The look on his face was classic, however not unique or unexpected. “What [...]
walkabout noun walk·about \ˈwȯ-kə-ˌbau̇t\ : an occasion in which an Australian Aborigine goes on a long walking journey on land that is far from towns and cities A Walkabout, as defined above by [...]
Recently I marked a bittersweet milestone in my life. Walking away from what no longer made sense to me was both empowering and brutal. Years of coming to terms with what was [...]